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Title:Drywall Rolling Lifter Panel Hoist Jack Tool

  • Drywall Rolling Lifter Panel Hoist Jack Tool with Caster Construction Lockable Tool TL601

    Drywall Rolling Lifter Panel Hoist Jack Tool with Caster Construction Lockable Tool TL601

    Issue Time:2021年04月11日,View:2111
    Plasterboard Hoisting Machine Board Lifting Tool Hand Drywall Panel Lift Hand Tools Drywall Rolling Lifter * Art No.:TL601 * Raw Material : Steel The Panel Lift allows one person working alone to install drywall walls and ceilings. The Panel Hoist easy to position and tweak to get them exactly where I needed them. This drywall lifter is made of heavy duty steel.The Panel Lift ensures its long life span. Easy assemble, no tool required. Quick tool-free setup and disassembly for storage Sturdy welded steel construction with powder coating, Apply various, 4 Caster Wheels For …
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