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Title:Sit-ups bench

  • Sit-ups Bench Home Fitness Equipment Multifunctional Supine Boards Dumbbell Benches Abdominal Muscle Training Devices JHB03-2

    Sit-ups Bench Home Fitness Equipment Multifunctional Supine Boards Dumbbell Benches Abdominal Muscle Training Devices JHB03-2

    Issue Time:2023年05月13日,View:1133
    Finer Form Gym-Quality Sit Up Bench - Solid Ab Workout Equipment for Your Home Gym. Get a Great Abdominal Workout at Home 1.High-quality material: The dumbbell bench is made of commercial thickness steel and has been tested thousands of times to ensure that each exercise is safe, not a false bench. 2.Quick Adjustment: The dumbbell bench is designed with a backrest position and a seat position for full-body exercise. You only need to pull the support rod and adjust it to a position that suits you, and everything is done! 3.Fashionable Adjustable: The dumbbell bench has a stylish design, a …
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